Tuesday 2 April 2013

I hope they dont win the league at ours!!

A good weekend for Arsenal, 3 points in the bag and we keep the pressure on the teams above us. Spurs beat Swansea in the premier league and Chavski beat man u in the FA cup. This leaves us two points behind Chelsea and 4 behind spurs with a game in hand. Although spurs won I still think they will have a slip up or two. They have to play Chelsea and man city so there are some tough matches for them and Chelsea still have to play man u… but so do we.

At the match on Saturday G and I were chatting and came onto the forthcoming match against man u. There was a bit of fear in our conversation when we came onto the subject of ‘might man u win the league at ours. I was dreading the match enough any way, I like big matches but they can also emotionally drain you for the weeks surrounding it. If I found out that it looked probable that they would / could win the league at ours I would go into a period of mourning that might last longer than the ice age. 

I have done the sums and you will be pleased to know it doesn’t look like they will. I think they will win the league at West Ham or villa in two or three weeks time. It is still possible for them to win it at ours but I think it is unlikely now. They are 15 points clear of man city and with eight matches left it looks the most likely they will win it at the hammers.


There is little going on other than that. The press don’t like teams doing well. Good results mean slow news days / weeks.

I mentioned last week that I would be competing in a pram race. It was yesterday, it was a lot of fun, there was a lot of: beer, dressing up, pushing prams and drinking beer. About 25 teams competed and my team ‘Six pints under’ with our vehicle ‘The Death Trap’ finished ninth. I’m quite proud of our achievement and will chuck a few picks up on the twitter page later.

It is too far away to speak about the match next weekend so I’ll leave it there.

Have a good one


1 comment:

  1. This is how much hatred against Arsenal. For Arsenal. My support for him than anything else. Arsenal has always been a miracle in my heart. The facts speak football club. Just him —— Arsenal http://www.wysjg.com/arsenal-c-1_86/ .
